Executive director – laus staða á skrifstofu alþjóðasambandsins

Hefurðu áhuga fyrir að starfa á skrifstofu alþjóðasambandsins? Ef svo er, þá skaltu kynna þér upplýsingarnar hér fyrir neðan:

Have you been an active member for five or more years?  Hold a Master’s degree or higher? Have extensive knowledge of the Society; skills in leadership, management and administration? Provided leadership at chapter and state organization levels? Demonstrate skills in writing and public speaking? If these areas of expertise describe you, you need to apply!
 The Human Resources Committee of the Administrative Board has announced the search for an executive director to be employed at Society Headquarters in Austin, Texas. Application packets are available upon request. The packet includes an application/experience form, position description, qualifications, terms of employment including salary and related benefits, and the position search timeline. The application deadline is March 31, 2015.
 To request an application packet, call or contact
 Chair, Human Resources Committee   Telephone:  512.478.5748
 The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Toll-free:  888.762.4685
 P.O. Box 1589       (Canada and U.S.)
 Austin, Texas 78767-1589    Fax:  512.478.3961
Email:   sarahs@dkg.org

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