The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International eru alþjóðasamtök kvenna í fræðslustörfum. Höfuðstöðvar samtakanna eru í Austin, Texas, USA.
Allar myndir á vefnum okkar eru birtar með leyfi þeirra sem á þeim eru og ljósmyndaranna.
All photos on our webpages are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is not responsible for anything posted to this site and makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in such material. The views expressed on this site do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International is not responsible for, and disclaims any liability in relation to, anything posted by contributors to, or users of, the site.
Alþjóðasamtök DKG (The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International) ber enga ábyrgð á efni sem birtist á þessum vef. Skoðanir sem hér eru settar fram, endurspegla ekki endilega skoðanir alþjóðasamtakanna og þau afsala sér allri ábyrgð í tengslum við efni sem birt er á vefnum.