Nýtt DKG tímarit

Nú í nokkurn tíma hefur staðið til að gefa út „hliðar-útgáfu“ af Bulletin blaðinu sem eins og flestar ykkar vita er tímarit sem DKG gefur út og inniheldur ritrýndar greinar um rannsóknir í fræðslumálum.Þetta nýja tímarit sem hlotið hefur nafnið The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin Collegial Exchange hefur núna litið dagsins ljós á vefnum. Markmiðið með útgáfu þess er eftirfarandi (á ensku):

The Exchange focuses on practical tips for the classroom and for DKG; on sharing viewpoints on educational and DKG topics; and on providing a place for creative expression. In particular, the editorial board hopes that the magazine will be a place to exchange ideas about controversial topics such as:

Are national standards productive? Is technology helping or hurting education? Are traditional grades a thing of the past? Would year-round, 4-day school weeks advance education? How much homework is necessary? What is the proper role of schools in promoting students' health and morality? Should school boards be eliminated to give educators autonomy?

Should the name of DKG be changed? What are the advantages of recruitment vs. invitation only? What DKG myths need to be debunked? Should college education majors be invited to DKG? What might be the advantages of membership at only the international or only the state level? Should the Society take political stands?

Frestur til að senda inn efni í næsta tölublað er til 15. desember næstkomandi og á að senda efnið á bulletin@dkg.org